Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 28
Today may possibly have been a life turner....I like being cryptic and not give too much away. I guess I cant share all my secrets on here :-) All i gotta say is watch this space...
Allah swt has put us on this earth, our destiny etc is pre-ordained. However, there is nothing wrong with having aspiration to reach the highest peak in life. This peak can be anything from wanting to becoming a lawyer, or simply becoming a house wife. Or maybe it can be to become a leader of your life and yourself :-) It is very difficult these days to do this..we have so much around us that influences are thoughts and desires, it is often difficult to remain strong through these trials and tribulation. I always have a talk with myself (not in a crazy loopy way), to remain strong and brush off these horrible things...
Day 26
Yes curry in the house. How often do us Bengali's get cussed about eating fish and stinking of fish - yes you know you've been there :-) All I gotta say is that you don't know what you are missing out on. Our traditional dish does tend to be the fish curry..but trust, as well as being healthy, it is very tasty. Get in touch if you fancy coming down to mine for a taster :-)
Day 25
Today was an interesting day...something happened that did shake me a little. But hey, that is life, you get a little knocked down and you come straight back up like a spring. Alhamdulillah - Allah SWT has given me some serious string :) That's all I am saying... over and out :-)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Day 27
I really believe we are the ones who can make the best of anything and everything. I am reading in so many books from great authors of our time about how TV is making us and our kids 'dumb'. Having thought about it, so many people love watching these soaps because they can let go of their reality and just sink into good old Eastenders or whatever. The problem with this, and without so many people realizing  we are being sublimely fed a load of garbage. I know many will think I am out of my mind, but it is very very true! On an unconscious level, TV, adverts and even music to some extent shape us on an sub-conscience level. You will not realize it but these messages do have an impact to the way you are / think and even do to some extent. In Islam we are encouraged to read and feed our mind with knowledge and that which would benefit us. But today, how many of us come home from work and just switch the telly on instead of sitting down with a good book? Anyway, I really wanted to point out that TV is not entirely evil. There are great programs on there which can be both entertaining and educational. I love watching the nature programs. I think its great!
Day 24
I love Mondays....Just to be different and move away from the norm, I always make sure I am excited about Mondays. Otherwise, its the same ol whining that a trillion other people are complaining about. least you are alive to see Monday - Remember and appreciate it 'love'. lol...That's my only message for today. Over and out :-)
Day 23
People...I love people watching. Its interesting, although a little time consuming! I like to make up stores about the people that I observe (not in a creepy or psycho way!). Usually they are nice stories. I visited an interesting part of London on Sunday. People from all walks of like can be observed here. People wanting to earn a living just by entertaining on the streets can do so in this trendy part of London. Just to keep things interesting, I am not going to reveal which part of London I am talking about. It reminds me of what London is about -multiculturalism. Having grown up in Wembley, which at one point was the most multi-cultured part of Europe in the 90s, I am comfortable living side by side with any one of any colour. It is now alot different! I am in an area where I am definitely the minority and no other 'brown' person to be seen! Sometimes I don't observe 'political correctness' so apologies if  I have offended anyone!
Day 22
I am writing this on day 27!!! Ooops...been super busy this week. Had family come around to stay because of the half term holidays. So missed 5 days of blog writing!!!! Anyway, I was reading stuff about nutrition and health and stuff like that. I am sure you have heard this a billion times before, but sugar really is terrible for your body. When we have biscuit, surgar in our tea or even white pasta / rice etc, our body goes into 'oh shit' mode. Except for giving you a little energy, sugar doesn't actually have any nutritional effect on the body!! So take heed people, and cut down where you can!!! I know its hard to make a huge change, but the way I am doing it is by eliminating tea, thus eliminating my need to have biscuits (cant do tea without bics!).